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Seattle, WA
United States


Seattle Sunshine Swing Dance


Come get your fill of fantastic Swinging Jazz music …during the day!

Beginning May 17th
1st & 3rd Fridays

Beginner Lesson 1:15 - 1:45pm
Open Dance 1:45 - 3:45pm

All Ages Welcome!
Suggested $15

Phinney Center (Blue Building)
6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103
Room #7 (Top Floor)

pre-pay here

No cash at the door

(Suggested $15)

The Seattle Sunshine Swing Dance is meant to be a daytime hang-out/dance for everyone, so call up some friends, grab the family and come on over!

There is ample parking in their two parking lots, and if you need an elevator they have one of those too!

You Don't Dance?

That's ok! You can take the beginner lesson, or just sit back and enjoy the music and dancing around you.

What is Swing Dancing?

Swing dancing is Black American art form. It’s an umbrella term for a family of dances that are done to swinging Jazz music. The Beginner Lesson will teach basic East Coast Swing, which is dance derived from Lindy Hop (the original Swing dance).

Babies on the Move!

Feel free to bring your family, we want kids to feel welcome to come and participate in what ways interest them, but parents are responsible for them.

Everyone can help out by keeping an extra eye on where you’re stepping for all the young ones in the space! Likewise if you're dancing with (or around) someone who is baby-carrying, please be mindful and give them a wide berth (pun intended lol).

How to Pay

Square QR Code

As this starts up we’re going to try something a little unconventional…

There will be no cash at the door!

(1) When you get to the dance you’ll find a QR code (for Venmo & Square) that you can use to pay. This means a few things:

(2) It’s going to run on a pay-what-you-can model (suggested $15)

(3) It’s going to be done on the honor system

You can also save yourself time at the door by using these buttons to pay in advance!

If you’re experiencing hardship and feeling strapped for cash, that shouldn’t mean you can’t have fun! And if you’re experiencing abundance and feel you have the ability to give more, please do. By giving more you can help to ensure this big experiment runs successfully.


More opportunities to learn

Use these buttons to learn more about the 8-week Baby & Me Swing Dance class, and private instruction.